Pumping tests are the most important in-situ tool to test and to calculate the essential aquifer characteristics transmissivity and storativity that are representative of a large volume of the aquifer. In addition to measuring aquifer properties, pumping tests of wells and boreholes are also carried out to measure the variation of well performance with the discharge rate. Long-term pumping tests and recovery tests are invaluable in identifying boundary conditions, effectively describing the units of the aquifer providing water to the borehole being pumped. Pumping tests also provide a good opportunity to obtain information on water quality and its variation in time and perhaps with discharge rate.
We in KRIETER WATER & ENVIRONMENT are also experienced carrying out interference pumping tests (simultaneous pumping by several selected wells) to calculate the aquifer and well characteristics of a well field. Aquifer and interference tests are time consuming and costly but they deliver the best data . It is important to plan and carry them out with care to obtain the best quality information for the costs and effort involved.
We in KRIETER WATER & ENVIRONMENT are experienced in pumping tests for years. We plan the tests systematically, using every information that we can get, such as the geological conditions, chemistry results, borehole logging. Then, we are using the best pumping test analysis methods for the hydrogeological interpretation to receive the most reliable characteristics of the aquifer and its optimal exploitation.